Blank Media Cases, Sleeves & Wallets for CD, DVD & Blu-ray Discs

Interesting Ideas for Using Empty CD Cases

If you have any CDs that were purchased without protective outer covers, you can find a variety of empty CD cases on eBay that will keep your CD collection free from dust. You can buy a mixture of used empty CD cases and new ones that are still wrapped in a protective film. Many are offered as bulk consignments and all of them are very affordable. Any surplus empty CD cases you might have can be used in creative ways for other purposes.

How can empty CD cases be used?

The most obvious use for an empty CD case is to store a CD in it, but there are many ideas that can see them being reused in your home and garden. One of the easiest is to use them as inexpensive photograph frames that are very lightweight and easy to hang. The inner ridges will keep your pictures in place and the clear covers form an effective minimalist design. You can either use them singly, with individual photographs or divide a much larger print between several to create a contemporary work of art for your living room. Using them as a picture chart for the month ahead can brighten up your kitchen wall. An empty CD case can also be used to keep recipe cards clean when cooking.

What other objects can empty CD cases be made into?

By linking several empty CD cases together, you can make attractive square containers that have several uses. Some CD cases are available in colours, such as blue or purple, which can be made into containers and used for the following:

  • Desk: Ideal for keeping pens and pencils at hand.
  • Bathroom: Use for toothbrushes, soap, and cotton wool.
  • Kitchen: Keep your work surfaces tidy by storing cutlery, sweets, and herbs.
  • Shed: Perfect for keeping nails, screws, and hooks where you can see them.
  • Garden: Invert a container to make small propagators for raising seedlings and protecting plants.
What other ideas are there for empty CD cases?

With a little ingenuity, empty CD cases that you have purchased at low prices on eBay can be turned into objects to furnish your home. Several of them linked together like the spokes of a wheel can become a decorative lamp shade. Unleash your imagination and enjoy making new things.