Cacti & Succulents

Cactus and Succulent Plants

Add some personality to your home with cactus and succulent plants. These easy-to-care-for plants are beautiful, tough and full of character.

They can thrive in difficult conditions and are therefore great indoor plants for amateur indoor gardeners. However, if they are given extra love and care, you'll find that they are beautiful and rewarding plants to have in the home.

Benefits of Succulents

As well as being beautiful, there are many benefits to keeping cacti and succulents in the home. We all know the benefits of indoor plants releasing oxygen throughout the day, however, during the night, most plants release carbon dioxide.

Certain succulents and plants, such as areca palms and orchids, continue producing oxygen throughout the night, which can help you to sleep better. Some succulents can also help you to focus better, recover more quickly and even prevent diseases.

Aloe Vera Plants

One of the most popular types of succulent is the aloe vera plant. Aloes can actually purify air and remove toxins but they are best known for their health and beauty benefits. You can use the gel from the plant to make your own beauty cream and help soothe burns and sunburn.

Other Plant Types

Other popular succulents include echeveria and sempervivum, which grow in layers of overlapping leaves to form a rosette shape. They are a great way to start a collection as they are small, beautiful and hardy so don't require too much care.

If you love the idea of succulents but still want a plant that grows flowers, take a look at kalanchoe plants that grow scatters of stunning flowers, or a beautiful desert rose, although you do need to be careful of the sap. Enhance your garden with a large agave plant, perfect for dotting around alongside other plants and bushes.