Dog Gates

Set Healthy Boundaries with a Dog Gate

Whether it's for safety or just to save your carpets, sometimes it's necessary to keep dogs out of certain parts of the house. A dog gate is a good way to do this, as you can keep your furry friends contained without having to completely shut them out. eBay has every type of dog gate you can imagine, for all sizes and ages of dog.

What sort of dog gates are available?

There are many kinds, and the one you choose will depend on the size and age of your dog, as well as where you will be keeping them. Most dog gates are adjustable and will fit most doorways, but be sure to measure your doorway and check the listing before you buy. If you want a lattice-style gate, remember that the wider you have to stretch it, the shorter it will end up. If you have a large or agile dog, they may be able to jump over if the gate is too low.

  • Mesh gates that attach with hooks or Velcro.
  • Lattice-style gates.
  • Baby gate-style vertical bars.
  • Adjustable pens.
  • Moveable, free-standing gates.
Which dog gate should you buy?

It depends on the size, strength, agility, and age of your dog. A lattice-style gate is better for a large dog as they tend to be stronger. A mesh gate may be fine for puppies and smaller dogs, but it may not be enough to withstand the determination of a large dog.

When should you use a small, adjustable pen?

These are better for corralling small dogs and puppies for short lengths of time, such as keeping them contained while you cook. This will eliminate the risk of tripping or stepping on them while carrying hot pans or dishes, and means that you can keep an eye on them at the same time. If your dog likes to be with you, then a pen is a great way to help them feel involved while also being safely out of harm's way. If you are penning a puppy who is still being house-trained, remember to put a pad in with them.

Can you put a dog gate across a stairway?

Yes, most dog gates are fixable to stairways. Make sure to check the listing before you buy. To prevent accidents, make sure your dog does not have access to the stairs themselves. For example, if your dog is to be kept upstairs, put the gate at the top.