Poultry & Waterfowl Hatching Eggs

Poultry and Waterfowl Hatching Eggs Can Be Raised in an Incubator

You can raise your own poultry and waterfowl from hatching eggs. These eggs can be found at affordable prices on eBay. Here are a few things you need to know before making your egg purchase.

What is the ideal temperature to store the eggs?

You can find a wide selection of eggs on eBay. There are many types of waterfowl and poultry that are hatched from eggs. You’ll want to purchase separate incubators if you plan on raising different species. Some of the species you can hatch from an egg include the following:

  • Chickens
  • Ducks
  • Geese
  • Pheasants

You want to store the eggs between 12ºC and 15ºC. A high storage temperature can cause your eggs to develop at the wrong rate. If the egg is stored below freezing, the embryo may not develop due to a breakdown of the cell structure. You also want the humidity level to be at the right level as well. The ideal humidity level is between 75 to 85%. This temperature will help keep your egg from drying out during the incubation process. Your eggs should not be kept out of incubation for more than seven days. It is important to turn the eggs at least once a day. You want to make sure the eggs are turned in a 45-degree angle throughout the day.

Can you wash the eggs?

You want to remove any debris that may be on the egg’s surface. Any cracked or heavily soiled egg should be discarded. The egg should be washed in a solution that is warmer than the egg. This allows the water in the egg to flow out of the pores. It also keeps the dirty water on the outside of the shell. You should be careful when cleaning the eggs. If you remove the outer cuticle of the eggs, you leave it at a greater risk of bacterial contamination. All eggs need to be handled with care. You need to make sure that you don’t bump the eggs while they are inside or outside of the incubator.

When should you start candling the eggs?

You can start candling eggs on the seventh day of incubation. Candling uses a bright light behind the egg to see the details inside the shell. You can monitor the progress of the blood vessels and the embryo. Many people use bright LED lights as their candling light source.