Vintage Petrol Pumps

Vintage Petrol Pumps

Vintage petrol pumps are available from brands such as Shell, Esso, Conoco and even Gulf. The numbers on the vintage petrol pump are usually on a roller, meaning that the numbers cycle through until the desired one is reached. They are not digital and the display also shows the litres that have been sold, the price of the sale and in some instances, how much fuel is left in the tank itself. The petrol pump is connected to a hose with a lever-style handle on the end.

Diesel and Petrol Pumps

Vintage petrol pumps are available in two different alternatives. There are diesel and petrol, with each one being colour-coded. The pumps are vertical standing and they are often cemented into the floor. Vintage petrol pumps are usually made with the brand name or logo on the top. Some pumps are cylindrical in shape whereas others are rectangular. It is also possible for petrol and diesel pumps to be connected to one another so that more fuel can be provided without the need for a refill.

Traditional Gas Pumps

It is also possible to get fuel pumps that are not branded. They have the word “Fuel”, “Gas” or “Petrol/Diesel” at the top of the pump with a hose that leads from the container. They are available in a huge range of colours and the size of them will determine how much fuel can be held at any one time. Vintage pumps are usually available in used condition and some are available with a dial as opposed to a rolling number system. The dial goes up when fuel is put into the vehicle, determining the amount of the sale based on how much fuel has been pumped. Some gas pumps are non-functional due to their age and condition.