Silver Cross Pushchairs, Prams & Accessories

Silver Cross

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Silver Cross Pushchairs, Prams and Accessories

Established in North Yorkshire way back in 1877, Silver Cross has a reputation for manufacturing prestigious baby pushchairs and prams. Popular among royalty for several generations and favoured by millions of parents worldwide, Silver Cross pushchairs, prams and accessories are designed with innovation and superior quality in mind.

Silver Cross prams

Designed for newborns and young babies, Silver Cross prams suit many different lifestyles. From the iconic vintage style coach prams, to the sturdy, stylish newer

models, they're suited to both urban and rural living.

Built with both comfort and elegance in mind, Silver Cross prams are typically used to transport babies lying down, so they're ideal for tiny babies that can't sit up unaided. The prams are made to last, so can be stored away and re-used for siblings and they're often handed down from generation to generation.

Silver Cross pushchairs

With a range of models to suit a variety of needs, Silver Cross pushchairs are usually designed for toddlers as well as babies that can sit up on their own (although many are also suitable from birth).

Also known as strollers or buggies, Silver Cross pushchairs incorporate features such as extendable hoods, variable reclining positions and large shopping baskets. Whether lightweight or compact, the pushchairs are popular with parents who want to combine style and quality.

Silver Cross pushchair and pram accessories

When it comes to Silver Cross pushchair and pram accessories , there's lots of variety. As well as spare or replacement parts including wheels, tyres, foot brakes and cup holders, parents can buy pram accessories such as parasols, footmuffs, raincovers and bag hooks.

The most recent additional extra to hit the market is the buggy board, a ride on platform that attaches to the frame of the pushchair, allowing older children and toddlers to 'surf' along. Buggy boards are ideal for kids who walk most of the time, but are likely to tire on long days out.