Other Protective Equestrian Gear

Other Protective Equestrian Gear

Protective equestrian gear is essential for both the rider and the horse as it ensures both of their safety.

Protective gear is popular with beginner horse riders and professionals alike. Hi-vis is also available for those who may want to ride their horses when it becomes dark. Particularly with younger children who are taking horse riding lessons in the winter months when it starts to get dark earlier, it is important that hi-vis protective gear is worn to be more visible and safe when on the road.

Hi-viz equipment

All protective gear for horses and riders have to be hi-viz so that they are easily recognisable to the public. The hi-viz is usually fluorescent and luminous yellow, orange or pink. They also usually feature a reflective strip, which is very important when on the road as car lights can spot the horse from a distance. Hi-viz material is always waterproof - this means the visibility will never be a problem in bad weather conditions.

Equipment for horses

There are lots of options to choose from for protective equestrian gear for horses. From the accessories that are available, there is plenty of choice on what to add to your horse. This includes: leg straps, tail guards and chest straps. These pieces of equipment do not hurt or distract the horses but simply add extra safety.

Styles of protective equestrian gear

There are a lot of different choices of equestrian gear that you can choose from to be safe and more visible when horse riding.

Some vests feature the popular polite patch on the back, imitating a police jacket, and some horse riding hats have a blue and white pattern, imitating a police hat.

There are vests which are not only fluorescent but have writing on that state please slow down. There are also horse riding hats with a strip of luminous colour around the edge and jackets that state please pass wide and slow.
