Warhammer Battlefleet Gothic Wargames

Warhammer Battlefleet Gothic Toys and Games

Based around the tabletop miniatures game Battlefleet Gothic, Warhammer Battlefleet Gothic toys and games are part of the fictional Warhammer 40,000 world. This science fiction inspired universe has spawned many different items associated with role playing in the Battlefleet Gothic world, namely board games and the associated miniatures that can also be bought as additions to the games.

The world of Warhammer

Warhammer Battlefleet Gothic toys and games are based on battles featuring space fleets of the different races within the Warhammer Battlefleet Gothic world, such as the Imperial Navy and Ork and Eldar pirates, Space Marines and Necron Raiders. Battlefleet Gothic centres on the foray of the Gothic sector by fleets under the command of Abaddon the Despoiler and the campaign to restore order by the Imperium. Warhammer Battlefleet Gothic races each have a selection of ships to choose from to construct a fleet and these are available as Warhammer Battlefleet Gothic miniatures .

Battlefleet Gothic miniatures

These games are characterised by its range of Warhammer Battlefleet Gothic miniatures that accompany the game. Usually manufactured in plastic, resin or metal, these miniatures can be customised by the owner by painting in specialist Games Workshop colours .

There are a wide range of Warhammer Battlefleet Gothic miniatures available to represent the numerous factions of humans that have ships in the game such as the Inquisition, Adeptus Arbites and Rogue Traders. Battlefleet Gothic ships are represented by 2 to 10cm long models and include Imperial Gothic Cruisers and Chaos Cruisers.

In addition, during the Warhammer Battlefleet Gothic board game ships can also deploy certain types of weapons and attacks that move and fight standalone of the capital ships. These are primarily torpedoes but they can also include Fighters, Bombers and Assault Boats. All are available within the collection of Warhammer Battlefleet Gothic miniatures and include rare Imperial Navy Sword Frigates and Imperial Dauntless Class Light Cruiser Torpedoes.