PAR LED Stage Lighting and Effects Packages

Basic Guide to LED Par 64 Can Lights

If you have a big show coming up and you want to dazzle your audience, the LED Par 64 lights in this massive eBay collection might be the perfect solution. Learn more about the options that are available with this introductory guide to LED Par 64 lights.

What colours can these lights produce?

LED Par 64 technology makes it possible to produce lights in any colour of the spectrum. For instance, if you want to produce a light with one of these lighting units that is entirely green, thats an option at your disposal. However, you can create any hue you like by including various percentages of different colours, and you can even program each diode individually to create a truly eclectic appearance.

How much power do these lights use?

The power used by these lighting units varies from model to model. However, the minimum amount of power one of these LED Par 64 options can use is about 150 watts, and the maximum amount of power used is about 300 watts. If generating enough power to handle a 300-watt option is a concern, you should opt for a less-intensive model, and if you want to create even more light than a 300-watt unit can produce, you should purchase multiple units.

How do you control these LED lights?
  • Controllers: The LED Par 64 lights in this collection are generally controlled with devices called "controllers." There are many different types of these controllers, but they are all alike in that they connect to one or multiple stage lights and provide the ability to control the colour and intensity of the lights.
  • Some of these controllers cannot be connected to computers, but others are equipped with USB ports that allow you to fine tune your light show with a program on your computer. Some of the offerings in this collection may come with controllers, but you may need to purchase a controller separately.
How do you find the right LED Par 64 lights?

As you search for the right lights to complete your light show setup, you should consider a number of factors. First, if you want to be able to deploy your lights effectively, you might want to purchase a packaged deal that comes with a stand. Also, you should calculate the total power draw that your system can handle, and make sure that your selected lights dont exceed this output. Lastly, if you dont already have a way to control your Par 64 lights, you should choose a package that contains a controller.
