Bicycle Retainer Body Jewellery

Body Jewellery Retainers & Hide Its

Body jewellery is a massive trend but there are still some places that aren't keen on visible piercings. If you don't want to remove your piercings but you're not in a place to be able to proudly show them off, the alternative is body jewellery retainers and hide its. Simply cover your piercings up until you can display them again.

They are also helpful if you need to have a scan or an x-ray and can't remove a piercing as some are suitable for covering up a piercing in medical circumstances.

Hide its and retainers are available in an array of different styles and materials, so there's bound to be something that fits your own body art needs. Acrylic earring and stud retainers are usually suitable for all kinds of ear piercings including tragus piercings. They should also be supplied with clear earring stoppers.

If you're a fan of the stretched ears look, you might find that some workplaces, schools and colleges have strict rules in place which ban ear tunnels. This can be difficult, but it's possible to keep everybody happy with effective silicone ear plug retainers , which hide your body modifications whilst allowing you to carry on with your ear tunnels in comfort. Designed to be easy to wear, they give you the best of both worlds and are available in a range of different skin tones.

The range of piercings that can be disguised with hide its and retainers is incredible. From a simple ear piercing with a stud to a septum piercing retainer designed to completely hide a piercing from view and encase it in Bioflex material that's comfortable and easy to wear, you'll find exactly what you need to ensure you'll never have to feel uncomfortable about any of your piercings in a formal setting again.