Canesten Health Care


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Canesten Health Care

Canesten health care make products for intimate problems, such as thrush and bacterial vaginosis. It also offers topical treatments for nappy rash, athlete's foot , ringworm and other fungal skin infections.

Canesten's main active ingredient is the steroid clotrimazole, which is aneffective treatment of fungal infections of the skin and intimate areas. Canesten hydrocortisone steroid cream is also available . Always read the instruction leaflet carefully before use.

Canesten health care products

There are many health care products available from this brand, and you should always take care to choose the correct cream for your problem.

Canesten dual action cream contains clotrimazole, an antifungal agent for the treatment of athlete's foot and other fungal infections. For topical application only, the active ingredient clotrimazole effectively kills fungus growth on the foot offering relief from this troublesome problem.

Canesbalance for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis treats the symptoms by restoring the Ph balance, restricting the growth of bad bacteria, and relieving odour and discharge. This easy to use cream comes in pre-filled single applications, and is to be used once a day over 7 days.

Canesten 1% clotrimazole cream offers relief from thrush, nappy rash, and other fungal infections including athlete's foot. Suitable for use throughout the entire family, a small amount should be applied topically to the affected area.

Canesten duo combines a fluconazole capsule to be taken orally, and a double strength clotrimazole topical cream to combat vaginal thrush. This product is at the higher end of the price spectrum for this brand of health care products, and is restricted to single purchase only.

Also available from Canesten health care

Aside from these main products from the Canesten health care range, other products include Canesten hydrocortisone steroid cream for athlete's foot and other fungal problems, Canesten internal cream pessary for thrush in a single applicator dose, and Canesten self-test kit for vaginal infections, making it easier to choose the right product for your intimate health issue.