Round Rugs

Round Rugs

Add the perfect finishing touch to your home with a choice of round rugs, whether you're looking for elegant and understated or bold and full of personality. Layer yours over hard floors such as tile and wood to give a soft feel under the foot, or add a little personality to your carpet. As well as being beautiful and adding a soft foot-feel, rugs can actually keep furniture in place, especially on slippery flooring.


One of the most popular materials for rugs is wool because of its the perfect balance of softness and durability and it also naturally repels water and stains. However, wool can be expensive, especially handmade rugs.

A more affordable alternative to wool is cotton, which is very easy to clean. These rugs come in a weave style but not plush and tufted styles. A durable and affordable fabric choice is synthetic materials. Synthetic materials are perfect for those looking for an eco-friendly rug. They are often also treated to repel water and stains.

For a feature rug, choose sheepskin, which is super soft against the skin. It is great for areas where you don't walk too much, but perfect for by your bed so you feel the softness against your skin as soon as you get up in the mornings.


The size of rug you choose depends on the room you're placing it in. You don't want your rug to overwhelm the room or get lost in the space.

For instance, if you're choosing a round rug for your dining table to sit on, you need to allow room for people getting in and out of their chairs. So, you'll need the size of your table plus at least an extra three feet so that people on all sides can get in and out of their chairs.