Lace Front Human Hair Wigs & Hairpieces

A Human Hair Lace Wig helps you to Feel your Best

To feel confident on any occasion, use a human hair lace wig. Styles on eBay are ideal for a wide range of social functions, including graduations and weddings, providing you with a stunning look without the hassle of hours at the hairdresser.

Does a human hair lace wig require extra styling?

No. Human hair lace wigs can be worn as they are, without the need for extra cutting or any type of additional styling. Many women appreciate this since it helps them to save time and hassle. They can simply pull on a wig and head to work.

Can a human hair lace wig be worn after chemotherapy treatments?

Yes. While many men and women feel comfortable shaving their head completely during chemotherapy, some prefer to use a wig. One made of human hair has a more natural look than one made using synthetic material, and it is easier to care for. Natural human hair is less likely to irritate the skin or contain any synthetic chemicals, which can interfere with the body during such a sensitive time.

Can a human hair lace wig be treated with peroxide?

Yes. A human hair lace wig can be bleached with peroxide, allowing you to create a wide range of styles. Bear in mind that just like your own hair, a wig can be damaged from using very strong peroxide. A stylist can help with the process, ensuring that just the right amount of peroxide is used. You can add rinses, temporary dyes, or permanent colour to your wig. If your wig becomes damaged due to peroxide, you can sometimes reverse the damage by using deep-conditioning treatments. Consider the following when selecting a human hair lace wig if you plan on using peroxide:

  • Any peroxide left in the wig can cause irritation to your skin.
  • Colour effects created in your wig can remain as long as you need them to.
  • You can always change the rinse or dye in your human hair lace wig.
Do all human hair lace wigs come with baby hair?

Some human hair lace wigs on eBay come with baby hair, providing a more natural look. With baby hair, it is harder for someone to tell that you are wearing a wig, since there is a more natural transition from your face to your hair. The baby hair on the wig can be cut, dyed, and otherwise treated just like your natural baby hair at the front of your head.