Nintendo Wii Video Games

Why eBay is the Best Place for Cheap Wii Games

eBay has a huge variety of Wii games to choose from, from well loved classics you can pick up for a bargain, to items in their original packaging. You can also find outstanding value console and equipment bundles, as well as single item, second hand Wii classics.

Who are Wii games aimed at?

Nintendo Wii games are famously accessible. From younger gamers just playing their first console, to those who might be too old to have played them before, the Wii has been a huge success. And, of course, everyone else of all ages between will find titles to suit them. To this day, the Nintendo Wii has outsold its competitors by tens of millions of consoles, meaning there is a vibrant market of second hand Wii games out there across all genres.

What games make a good gift?

If you were to search for the most highly rated Wii games, you would find that Wii Sports holds a spot close to the top. This game came free with the Wii console, making it ubiquitous in most Wii-users collections, but other well-selling titles include:

  • Mario brand games, such as the Mario Galaxy games.
  • Zelda brand games, such as Twilight Princess.
  • The Smash Bros. games.
  • Mario Kart, which is also available with steering wheel peripheries.
  • Rock Band is always popular, but needs special instrument controllers.
Is the Wii still supported?

While Nintendo has since developed other consoles, the Wii is still widely supported by 3rd party software and hardware providers. Many peripherals can still be found good as new, and games are widely available on eBay. You can often find the two bundled together, but the cheapest way to stock up on equipment will be from 3rd parties.

Do all Wii games run on the same system?

No, there are several different versions you need to be aware of. In the description, make sure that you check that the game is the PAL version. This means it is localised to work with European (as well as Australian and New Zealand) equipment. If you see NTSC, meaning for the USA and many other countries, or the even rarer NTSC-J, for Japan and other South-East Asian countries, then you should probably avoid it. If you have any doubts, contact whoever sold it and eBay themselves if necessary.

Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Nintendo. >