Macro/Close Up Camera Lens for Fujifilm

Macro/Close Up Camera Lens for Fujifilm

You've mastered a lot of what your Fujifilm camera can do, so why not see the photographs you're capable of taking with a macro or close up camera lens for Fujifilm?

What is macro photography?

Macro photography is when the object you're taking a photograph of is the same size, or indeed, smaller than your camera's sensor which results in 1:1 or life-sized reproduction. You'll need a macro lens to do this. Macro lenses have a long barrel for close focusing and you get high magnification. They come in different focal lengths depending on exactly how close you want to get to your subject.

What is close up photography?

Close up photography is when you focus much more closely on your subject than you would normally and is great for portraits, images of flowers or close detail. A close up lens looks more like a filter and screws onto the front of your camera lens in exactly the same way. It works by reducing the minimum focusing distance of your lens.

You can choose single or double element close up lenses for Fujifilm cameras. Single element lenses cost less but don't give you great image quality whereas in a double element close-up lens, the second element corrects the issues caused by the first element giving great image quality. Close up camera lenses also work better with telephoto lenses rather than ones with shorter focal lengths.

When you're choosing either macro or close-up lenses to use with your Fujifilm camera, make sure that you choose the one that is suitable for your specific camera model or the filter thread of your lens if you're choosing a close up lens. Whether you opt for a macro lens, a close-up lens or both will ultimately depend on the end results you wish to achieve.