Mid Sleepers for Children

Switch Up Your Room with A Mid Sleeper

Mid sleepers are ideal for a variety of situations, including a child’s bedroom, a guest room, and even your own bedroom. It is common to see mid sleepers of all shapes and sizes, making it easy to match a mid sleeper to your home’s needs. On eBay, there are a plethora of mid sleepers available, which is why it is essential that you understand their specific features before purchasing one that is right for you.

What are some types of mid sleepers?
  • Built-in desk: This type of mid sleeper comes with a built-in desk under the top bunk. It is ideal for individuals with any sort of hands-on hobbies such as crafting or painting. Many people enjoy built-in desks, as they are convenient to study or read on before going to sleep.
  • Built-in under bed storage: A bed with built-in storage is excellent for storing clothing, pillows, blankets, books, and even shoes. If you have a small flat, you might want to opt for built-in storage so that you can maximise the storage space in your home.
  • Built-in wardrobe: A built-in wardrobe mid sleeper allows you to store your clothes upright so that you can use your room to the fullest. The wardrobe attaches to the bottom of the top bed for added convenience.
  • Tent: Tent mid sleepers can be common in a child's bedroom, as it gives them a space to play and have fun.
What types of materials are used in mid sleepers?

Mid sleepers can be found in the following materials:

  • Solid wood
  • Metal
  • Pine
  • Chipboard
  • Oak
How do you select the right mid sleeper?
  • Size: Mid sleepers are available in multiple sizes, ranging from 61 centimetres to 130 centimetres in height. If you are purchasing this type of bed for a child, you might want to opt for a smaller size so that they can comfortably climb to the top. Some features may also dictate the height of the top bunk.
  • Colour: You can find this type of bed in all shades and colours. While white mid sleepers are common, you can find your favourite shade, as mid sleepers come in a variety of materials. It is common for wood beds to have a stain or finish that resembles beige, tan, white, brown, or black, whereas a metal frame is typically ideal for vibrant reds, yellows, and blues.
  • Features: Mid sleeper bunk beds can come with many features such as slides, stairs, ladders, and tents. Stairs might be a great option for a teen, whereas a slide might be excellent for a younger child.