Tga Breeze

Staying Mobile with a TGA Breeze Mobility Scooter

TGA Breeze mobility scooters are designed to restore the ability to get around with ease and comfort to those who have lost some degree of mobility. If youre looking to buy a Breeze, new or used, theres no better place to find one than on eBay. With plenty of listings to browse at your leisure, you can find a Breeze mobility scooter that does exactly what you need at an affordable price.

How are TGA Breeze mobility scooters powered?

They are powered by a rechargeable battery. Recharging with the supplied charger is simple and can be done overnight so your battery is ready for the day ahead.

What is the vehicle class of Breeze mobility scooters?

The vehicle class of TGA Breeze mobility scooters is class 3. Class 3 mobility scooters must be registered with the DVLA and can be ridden on the road as well as on the pavement. Note that if you ride your Breeze on pavements, you mustnt exceed a speed of 4 mph.

What are some features to look out for when choosing a Breeze?

Keeping in mind your own particular mobility limitations, you can look for models that suit your requirements, such as:

  • Manoeuvrability: Three-wheeled mobility scooters, such as the TGA Breeze S3 and the Breeze Midi 3, offer greater manoeuvrability and a tighter turning circle for easier access to narrow entrances and easier turnaround in narrow lanes.
  • Stability: The larger four-wheeled Breeze models, such as the Breeze S4 and Midi S4 offer greater stability.
  • Maximum Speed: All TGA Breeze mobility scooters can attain a top speed of 8 mph.
  • Range: Youll find some on eBay with a standard rechargeable battery fitted that enables you to cover distances of up to 20 miles. Some of the Breeze models on eBay, especially previously used models, may be fitted with an upgraded heavy duty battery that offers a range of up to 30 miles.
  • Load carrying ability: The Breeze Midi models can operate with a total weight of up to 20 stone. The Breeze S series mobility scooters can carry up to to 31 stones. In both cases, those include the weight of the rider. See the manufacturers site for details.
  • Accessibility: TGA Breeze mobility scooters are designed to accommodate users whose mobility is impaired in a wide variety of ways. Check the description of Breeze scooters on eBay to know what modifications may have been included, such as a pedal, handlebar controls, or even left-hand drive modifications.
Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by TGA Mobility.