Annick Goutal Unisex Perfume

Annick Goutal Unisex Perfume

Some of the world's best loved and original scents which cross the gender lines can be found with Annick Goutal Unisex Perfume.

Traditionally, perfumes for women have been scented with a mix of floral, vanilla and fruity notes while those for men are woody, spicy and musky, but now it is believed a scent should not always be defined by gender. One of the first brands to recognise this was Annick Goutal which has been bringing out unisex perfumes and unisex fragrances since the 1980s.

French woman Annick Goutal was a renowned pianist and model before she entered the world of perfume. After the birth of her baby she started to make skin cream and wanted fragrance for her products. She soon discovered perfume was her vocation, and in 1980 launched her perfume collection. The brand has produced some of the most sought after perfumes for men and women.

The unisex fragrances are sold as eau de parfums and eau de toilettes. Annick Goutal eau de parfums contain a higher concentration of perfume oil than eau de toilettes and will last longer on the skin. They should be sprayed onto pulse points such as on the neck and wrists or spritzed into hair and on clothes.

Annick Goutal's first unisex fragrance was Eau d'Hadrien, which launched in 1981 and is still popular today. It is described as a citrus aromatic fragrance which combines cypress, grapefruit, lemon, and ylang ylang among others.

Le Nuit d'Hadrien has notes of green mandarin, Sicilian bergamot, caraway, juniper, basil, musk and vanilla. The more recent Nuit Etoilee has been inspired by starry nights and the scent of woods and is a spicy, aromatic and woody composition.

The Annick Goutal perfumery prides itself on the care it puts into choosing its ingredients, and its bottles are made in France by expert craftsmen.