Compact Digital Cameras

Compact Digital Cameras

Compact digital cameras, also known as point and shoot cameras are digital cameras that are designed for single operation. Interestingly, main professional photographers who own a more complicated digital SLR camera would be keen to have one of these compact camera's in their pockets for quick on the spot photo opportunities.

Not only that but this camera is very popular amongst families or groups of friends who enjoy taking photos and videos of their everyday life, whilst on holiday or at a special event as they are lightweight, portable and durable. With more of us using smartphones worldwide, many still prefer the compact digital camera to avoid taking up too much space on their smartphone .

Operation of the compact digital camera

The compact digital camera is quite simple to use with built-in automatic settings such as flash, exposure and focus. There are a lot of options available when choosing which compact digital camera to buy and therefore models, brands and features need to be taken into account, which best suit your photography requirements.

The simple functionality of this digital camera means you only have to click a button to take a photo or video. It really is as easy as that! Compact digital cameras or point and shoot cameras allow the user to view their images and videos easily on the LCD screen, which also shows a live preview of the frame of the photo, or video that is going to be captured.


All major camera brands such as Canon, Nikon or Sony for example, manufacture their own compact digital cameras. All these models tend to vary in features available, colour and design but all have the basic essentials that make a compact or point and shoot digital camera.

Auto Mode

Compact digital cameras generally have an automatic mode. This means all settings are pre made for the user and normally work well in the majority of conditions. By having an automatic mode this makes it easy for the operator of the compact digital camera to take photos and videos allowing less time being spent on messing with the camera settings and more time capturing and enjoying the moment.


Caring for your compact digital camera is important to ensure it lasts as long as possible without breaks or damage. As you'll be likely to use this camera on the go, consider securing it with a camera strap to ensure you don't drop it easily. You could also look at storing it in a suitable camera bag, which is particularly beneficial when travelling to avoid your camera getting broken or scratched.