Children's Cabin Beds

Children's Cabin Beds

A great way to add fun and increased storage space in any child's bedroom are children's cabin beds. There are many different options available when choosing one, making it easy to find a bed, which suits your needs, space and budget.

This style of bed is raised so that it can have a variety of features underneath, the most common of which is increased storage space, a writing desk or a small play area. They come in a variety of configurations allowing you to find the perfect one for your child. Special child-sized drawers and wardrobes underneath are a great way to save on floor space.

Many of these beds are aimed at younger children and feature tented play areas, which provide a great option to store a child's toys and help to keep their bedroom tidy. Other features aimed at younger children include fun tunnels and canopies, which can help them to relax when trying to sleep.

For older children the option of a desk under their bed can provide them with their own area to do homework. They come in a variety of sizes so that you can find the right length of bed to suit children of all ages.

Aside from the adult focused space saving benefits, they come in many fun designs and styles, which are sure to appeal to children. Designs include pirate ships, princess castles and a number of popular cartoon characters, which add a playful element to any child's bedroom furniture. For older children there are more grown up designs which still offer some child friendly style.

Children's cabin beds come in a range of durable materials, the most common being pine cabin beds, beech cabin beds or metal cabin beds . Frames are usually available in a selection of finishes allowing them to fit easily into your existing décor.

There are many different frame designs available enabling you to find a bed which is the right size for the space which you have available. The bed frames are built to be strong, stable and long-lasting, providing many years enjoyment and include many safety features and design elements to ensure that they are child safe.

A number of different step and ladder designs are available ensuring you can find a bed that your child can access safely and easily.

This product is available at a wide range of price points allowing you to find a child's cabin bed, which suits your budget.