Gallop Horse Rugs & Sheets

Keep Your Horse Dry and Warm with a Gallop Horse Rug

Horse blankets are a great way of keeping your horse dry and comfortable during the cold winter months and, as a bonus, they offer some relief from pests during the summer months. Gallop manufacture practical and stylish horse rugs that are suitable for a variety of applications and horse breeds. Take a look at the wide range of new and used models available on eBay to find the right one for your needs.

Why are horse rugs used?

Gallop horse rugs are intended to keep horses dry and comfortable on cold winter days. Owners who clip their horse's hair will find that horse rugs offer a simple and easy way to keep horses from catching a cold since the blanket provides the same insulation that the horse's hair would otherwise naturally provide. In summer, horse rugs may be used to keep fleas and flies from bothering the horse.

Are all horse rugs the same size?

Horse rugs come in different sizes and it is important to buy the correct size for your horse. Using an incorrectly sized horse rug can lead to skin irritations and/or impeded movement that could make the horse uncomfortable. A correctly sized horse rug will look stylish on your horse and perform as intended on cold days.

From which materials are horse rugs manufactured?

Although many different types of material can be used, most horse rugs are manufactured using several components. The outermost layer is usually made from a water-resistant material, such as nylon, while the inner layer is made using a soft fleece material. The middle layer of a horse rug usually contains a synthetic fibre stuffing that is designed to trap warm air.

What should be kept in mind when choosing a Gallop horse rug?

Although choosing the right size for your horse rug is a very important consideration, there are also a few other things to remember, including:

  • Purpose: The main purpose of the horse rug will determine which sort of rug you will need. Rugs that are designed for show days will not work as well as regular rugs when it comes to heat retention.
  • Climate: In very cold climates, it is important to opt for a horse rug that has a thick middle layer in order to provide protection against cold spells.
  • Fit: Make sure that the horse rug you choose fits your horse properly. A well-designed rug will have numerous fasteners that can be adjusted to ensure that the rug fits the horse snugly.
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