From the Payments tab - opens in new window or tab in Seller Hub, you can track the money you earn on eBay from the moment the buyer's order is confirmed, to when eBay initiates your payout. In the Summary section, you'll find an overview of your payment information. For more detailed information, other sections include All transactions, Payouts, and Reports and Taxes.
We encourage all sellers to sign up for Seller Hub - opens in new window or tab which is free. However, you can still view your transactions, update your payout schedule, change where you get paid, and download your monthly financial statement from Payments - opens in new window or tab in My eBay.
Information available in the Summary section
In the Summary section under Payments, you’ll find an overview of your payout information, including your Available, On hold, and Processing funds, recent transactions, and payout settings.
From the Summary section, you can:
- Review your funds: See the status of your Available, On hold, and Processing funds, including your last payout amount, and when your next payout is scheduled to be initiated
- Change where or when you get paid: Update the bank account you receive payouts to, or switch between daily, weekly, fortnightly, or monthly payouts. If you’re on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly payout schedule, you’ll have the option to request your available funds at any time by selecting withdraw in the Payments tab. If you’re on a daily payout schedule, you already have our fastest option
- Track your transactions: See the recent activity on your account, including information on sales, payouts, and more
If you need to update your bank details for your payouts, we'll need to verify your new account before you can continue to receive payouts. For more information, see our article on updating your bank account details.
Information available in the All transactions section
The All transactions section lists all of your transactions related to payments, including information on sales, refunds, claims, disputes, holds, postage labels, transfers (funds transferring in or out from your on-file payment method), and payouts.
You can filter your transactions by status, dates, or by searching for a specific order ID.
Transaction status
The status of each transaction helps you keep track of your sales activity.
Here's an explanation of each transaction status:
- Available funds: The amount you will be paid in your next payout. Generally, funds that appear Available are the total of all completed transactions, excluding applicable fees and other selling costs, and any transactions on hold
- Your Available funds may change if we process any additional orders or refunds before your next payout
- Processing: Your buyer has paid and the funds are still processing. As long as the order is confirmed, you can send the item
- On hold: The funds on an order are restricted, for example, the order has an open claim against it. You'll see a reason for the hold and an estimated release date, where possible
- We'll also provide guidance on how to resolve any outstanding issues with a payment to help you get the funds released. You can find more information about why funds may be placed on hold in our payments on hold article
- Completed: The payment has been processed
- Open: Funds are in dispute, and may be placed On hold
- Released: Funds that were on hold have now been released. These funds will now show in Available funds rather than On hold funds
Information available in the Payouts section
The Payouts section provides you with an overview of all your payouts. You can see the total amount of each payout, when it was initiated, the account it was sent to, and how many transactions were included. You can also track the status of your payouts, and search for specific payouts by date, buyer username, order number, or unique payout ID.
You can select the payout ID to see a more detailed breakdown of each transaction in your payout. This includes the status, amount, and fees associated with each transaction, and a link to the order details.
For a detailed explanation of payout statuses, read our article on getting paid for items you've sold.
Information available in the Reports and Taxes section
From the Reports and Taxes section, you can download your transaction report, payout report, Tax Transparency Report if applicable, invoice, and financial statement. For more details on payments reports, see our article on reconciling your eBay sales transactions.