Camping & Hiking Equipment

39 items found from eBay international sellers

Enjoy the Great Outdoors with Camping Equipment

Camping is a rejuvenating activity for your body and mind, but preparing can be a chore. Make your preparations efficient and cost-effective by checking out eBay for an assortment of cheap camping equipment and one-stop-shopping of all the latest styles and brands. Whether you need to acquire an entire kit from scratch, or just want the latest gadget to complete your collection, eBay's broad selection can satisfy your needs at prices you can afford.

How do you choose which camping equipment is right for you?

Some campers choose equipment by weight because they plan to camp with just a rucksack. For other campers, durability is more important because they plan to camp near a vehicle and will be giving the equipment heavy use. Then there are people who don't plan to camp very often and prioritize affordability in the interest of facilitating the experience. Each camper has slightly different needs, and there's equipment at eBay for each of them.

Do you need survival equipment to go camping?

It's a good idea to have at least a small survival kit in case of emergencies, even if you're not planning any extreme activities. A first-aid kit will come in handy for minor scrapes and bruises and improve comfort while you're waiting for help to arrive. A whistle is an inexpensive and lightweight tool which can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency because whistle noise travels farther than the voice - with less effort. You will find more uses for a multi-tool survival knife than you ever imagined, once you add one to your collection.

What items should you have on your camping equipment list?

Every camper will have slightly different equipment needs based on the type of camping they're planning to do, as well as their personal preferences. However, there are some items that most campers require. Here are some suggestions:

  • A camp stove is vital as, whether you choose a lightweight single-burner or a more sturdy two-burner stove with a grill, you'll need something to cook your food.
  • Camping cooking equipment including pots, pans, utensils, and perhaps a kettle.
  • A first aid kit with bandages, antibiotic cream, and other supplies.
  • Rope and other tie downs.
  • A tent and camp chairs.
  • A torch, lantern, or headlamp.
  • Sleeping bags and mats or cots.
  • Cleaning and waste disposal supplies.