Mobile Phone Tool Kits

Mobile Phone Tool Kits

As most people own a mobile phone or smartphone it's becoming more common to repair any problems that occur at home rather than sending them back to the manufacturer which can be both inconvenient and expensive. Mobile phone tool kits typically contain all the equipment you need to fix common damage yourself.

There's certain more serious damage that's a lot more difficult to fix but most basic issues can be fixed at home with the help of the right tools and instructions. For example, cracked or broken phone screens, damaged camera lenses, broken buttons and water damage can all often be repaired yourself without the need for professionals.

If you have limited technical skill and aren't fully confident with what the repair process entails it may be worth contacting someone who is. Mobile phones are expensive after all and although toolkits and DIY repairs are cost effective you may end up needing to consult a professional rather than risking causing more damage.

Common parts included in mobile phone tool kits

There are a wide range of mobile phone tool kits to choose from, varying from simple kits with basic equipment to those that are far more advanced. What you need is likely to depend on what the problem is with your phone and also what budget you have available.

Specialist screwdrivers for mobile phones are an essential item in any repair kit as you're likely to need to remove at least one part when carrying out a mobile phone repair job. These are usually Phillips or Pentalobe screwdrivers so check your phone's screws to make sure they are compatible. It's also worth considering a screwdriver with a light as you'll typically be dealing with very small parts and good visibility helps a lot.

Most mobile phone repair kits will also include a tool to open your phone, alongside a pair of tweezers. It's always important to use a specialised tool to open your phone as it's all too easy to cause more damage when using a screwdriver or other tool that's not designed for the job. Tweezers will help you to pick up and move around parts easily as fingers are just too big for handling most mobile phone parts.

These are the main pieces of kit to keep an eye out for, although other items like suction cups and spare parts are also useful to have around should you wish to invest in a more sophisticated repair kit.