Table Tennis Equipment

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Table Tennis

Table tennis is a popular sport worldwide and there is equipment to suit players of all abilities. It is fun to play and you can have up to four people participating at any one time. With brands such as Donnay, Cornilleau, Dunlop and Kettler available, choosing the right table has never been easier.


Most table tennis surfaces are made out of wood. This is called Masonite, which is a wood that has been compressed over time, before being covered with a low-friction coating. The standard thickness is between 0.75” and 1” thick, however, if you choose a table thinner than this then it is going to be prone to warping or bending over time. This is especially the case with outdoor tables, which are often exposed to rain, heat and cold.

Portable Tables

Portable tables are designed to be stored away when not in use. They have a fold in the middle and they also have wheels attached so they can be transported with ease. It is possible for some models to have brakes built in to try and stabilise the table. Portable tables are often referred to as being “rollaways”.

Outdoor Tables

Table tennis is considered to be an indoor sport, however, that doesnt mean it cant be played outside. Outdoor tables are designed to withstand the elements and they also have an aluminium coating. The surface of the table is still made out of wood, however, the metal barrier prevents any damage from rain and even heat. Outdoor tables should have a thickness of over 0.75” because even with the metal barrier, they can still be prone to damage via warping and bending.

Table legs are also a consideration. If the legs are too thin, it wont support the weight of the table but if they are too thick then you wont be able to fold it away after use. Outdoor tables are known for having thicker legs with a much more durable frame.
