Men's Cufflinks

Men's Cufflinks

Men's cufflinks are generally worn with tailored shirts on more formal occasions , although you can see them worn on a more regular basis, particularly if you're working in a smarter office environment. Popular with many men to inject an extra element of style and individuality into their formal wear, they are available in an extensive range of styles and different metals.

Shirts that were designed to hold cufflinks first came to prominence all the way back in the 16th century, and have continued to evolve since then. Men's workwear can often be dull, without all the options available to women, making cufflinks a great way to make a statement whilst remaining smart.

Types of Men's Cufflinks

As above, there are many types of cufflinks to choose from including hinged, chained, push through, snap on and or double-faced cufflinks. It can all be a bit bewildering if you're not experienced when it comes to cufflinks but the most common option is the hinged back cufflink, mainly as they offer the most secure fastening.

When buying cufflinks try to make sure that they match your shirt. The most versatile colours that will go with the widest range of shirts tend to be black or silver , and added embellishments in these colours are also acceptable.

Making sure that you pair your cufflinks with the correct type of shirt is essential, with French or double-cuffed shirts typically worn with cufflinks. The two sides of the cuff should lie flat and away from the wrist, leaving the two holes for your cufflinks lined up making it insert them correctly so that that they face outwards.

Be wary of novelty cufflinks, whilst they may be a fun choice for a unique birthday or Father's day gift, they're not necessarily the best option for day to day wear and certainly not a popular item in most workplaces!