Train Tickets

Train Tickets

Get ready for an adventure with train tickets to any location of your choosing. Visit towns and cities, historical sites and museums to shops and cafes.

When you're searching for train tickets, make sure you check the dates and types of ticket to make sure you are eligible to travel on the train. For instance, if the ticket is a standard then anybody can use it, but if it has been bought with a railcard, you will need a valid railcard of the same type in order to use it.

Types of Ticket

The cheapest tickets are Advance tickets. These are booked for specific trains and can only be used on the date and time shown on the ticket. This restriction usually means you can get better deals, but also means there is no guarantee you'll get the day you need. If you are more of a free spirit heading off on a spontaneous adventure, these are probably for you.

Single tickets are one-way tickets to a destination, they may be open or advance tickets but will state the conditions on the ticket. If you're looking to just go one way on the train then this is the ticket for you.

If you're wanting to travel back then look for a Day Return or an Open Return. Day returns may only be used on the same day as you travel out, so if you're planning a day trip, these are the ideal choice. If you want to stay overnight, choose an Open Return. The return ticket is usually valid for up to a month afterwards.

Where to visit?

If you're up for a trip but don't know where to go, there are several UK destinations that are full of activities. Our capital city, London is full of shops, historic sites, museums and all sorts of activities to keep you entertained. Or, visit another city such as Manchester, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Liverpool or any others.

If you're looking for a more cultural trip, take a look at Bath or Oxford.